The Busipreneur NPC is appealing for your assistance to fulfill its mission.
Our work among other things entails;
- Identifying about 100 Busipreneurs nationally with a potential to make a difference.
- Providing general business development skills to all the identified Busipreneurs.
- Short listing 30 Busipreneurs for each Pitch Day.
- Producing each Pitch Day for all media platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
- Documenting the journeys of the various Busipreneurs before and post Pitch Day.
- Conducting the necessary due diligence prior to paying out any grants before and post Pitch Day.
- Paying out Grants for each successful pitch.
To partner, please email us at OR Click here
"Money is like manure. If you spread it around it does a lot of good. But if you pile it
up in one place it stinks like hell." Junior Murchison